45 min Mat Pilates with Maribel Modrono, Tuesday, February 25th, at 9:30 AM
Mat Pilates Series with Maribel, March 13th, at 8:30 AM
45 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, March 6th, at 9:30 AM
Forme 45 min Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, February 28th at 9:30 AM
45 min Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, February 21st at 9:30 AM
Forme Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, February 14th, at 9:30 AM
Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, October 25th, at 9:30 AM
Mat Pilates with Maribel Wednesday, October 11th, at 9:30 AM
45 min Mat Pilates with Master Teacher: Maribel Modrono
45 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, September 27th, at 9:30 AM
45 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel, Wednesday, 3.1 at 10:30 AM
Mat Pilates with Maribel 3.1 at 9:30 AM
Pilates Masterclass with Maribel, Wednesday, 2.22, at 8:45 AM
Forme Mat Pilates with Maribel, Friday, 2.17 at 8:45 AM
45 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel 11.16 at 9:30 AM
45 Min Master Mat Pilates with Maribel 11.9 at 9:30 AM
Forme Method Express with Susan 11.9 at 8:30 AM
45 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel 11.2 at 9:30 AM
Mat Pilates with Maribel 10.19 at 9:30 AM
Forme Mat Pilates with Maribel 10.12 at 9:30 AM
30 Min Mat Pilates with Maribel 8.18 at 12:15 PM
Mat Pilates with Maribel 5.25 at 9:30 AM
Theraband Mat Pilates with Maribel 5.18 at 9:30 AM
Grab your therabands if you've got them!!!
30 min Pilates Blast w/Maribel 3.24 at 11:30 AM
Forme Focus: Pilates CORE with Maribel 4.2 at 12:30 p.m.
Enjoy a Pilates-inspired core FOCUS class with guest teacher, Maribel!